Ian Craft, Principal Ecologist
I have over 20 year’s experience of working in an ecological field and am a full member of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. Having qualified from Newcastle University in 2001 and completed a Masters degree in Environmental Resource Assessment I have undertaken roles with the Rural Development Service and Natural England which has provided me with extensive knowledge of the UK legislative process in regard to the environment and of the various regulatory and enforcement agencies.
I have experience of undertaking Ecological Impact Assessments as well as project managing a range of large scale developments including windfarms, housing estates, quarries and landfill sites. I also carry out a range of surveys including extended phase 1 habitat surveys, national vegetation classification surveys, reptiles, birds, great crested newts and bats. I currently hold a bat survey licence, barn owl licence and great crested newt survey licence.
Karen Devenney, Principal Ecologist
I have over 20 years experience of working in an ecological field, and am a full member of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. I have a degree in Zoology and Masters in Wildlife Conservation and Management. I have extensive experience in surveying for riparian mammals, particularly water vole and otter, through my MSc dissertation and through my role at Durham Wildlife Trust (DWT) where I carried out otter and several water vole projects.
I undertake a range of survey work including extended Phase 1 habitat surveys, Local Wildlife Site surveys and condition assessments as well as bat, reptile and amphibian surveys. I have successfully applied for Natural England EPSM licences for bats. I currently hold bat and great crested newt licences.
Sacha Elliott, Senior Ecologist
I’m an ornithologist with over 8 years of field experience including 2 years within the consultancy sector. I qualified from Newcastle University with a BSc (hons) in Environmental Science in 2015. I’ve designed and undertaken ornithological surveys and assessments to inform a wide range of projects. In addition, I’m an active member of the Northumbria Ringing Group and regularly carry out conservation bird ringing.
I’m experienced in carrying out a wide variety of ecological surveys and I’m currently in my second season as a bat worker, having conducted over 250hrs of bat work on a variety of properties and developments. I’m currently working towards a class 1 bat licence and assist Durham Bat Group with bat care at a local roost.
Laura Thompson, Ecologist
I started carrying out ecological surveys in 2011, while studying for my Biology degree from Newcastle University. I graduated with honours in 2012 and have been completing bat surveys specifically since that time.
Since starting at Total Ecology I have greatly increased my knowledge and experience, undertaking preliminary ecological appraisals, a variety of bat surveys, great crested newt surveys, and surveys surveys for badgers, water voles, and otters. I give toolbox talks to contractors and have supervised numerous projects on sites with protected species. I hold my class 1 Natural England bat licence and great crested newt licence.
Victoria Telford, Senior Ecologist
Victoria has worked within the planning/ecological industry since 2010, first being employed as a seasonal bat surveyor by Marishal Thompson (now known as Environmental Services) following graduation of her bachelor’s course. Consequently, Victoria completed her Masters course from Newcastle University in Wildlife Conservation and Management and became full time administration support for a team of Ecologists, undertaking tasks such as drafting reports and collating background data searches, whilst helping out with occasional bat work during the busy season.
In 2014, she was promoted to Graduate Ecologist, then to Assistant Ecologist in 2016, Ecologist in 2017 and Senior Ecologist in 2019. Victoria has progressed rapidly, able to undertake extended phase one habitat surveys and numerous protected species surveys including Bats, Badgers, Reptiles and Great Crested Newts. She holds a Great Crested Newt survey license and a Bat survey license (level 1). Other related tasks include assisting licensed bat exclusions, reptile translocations, Habitat Regulations Assessments and several ecological clerk of works supervisory roles.
She is currently registered as an associate member of CIEEM (ACIEEM), a professional membership for environmental consultants. In her spare time she has contributed to several local conservation groups and attends numerous CPD courses every year to enhance her knowledge, including completing a course in tree climb and aerial rescue.
Jodi Bell, Assistant Ecologist
Jodi has over 10 years’ experience of working in the ecological sector, having worked as a freelance ecological assistant, working for various consultancies in the North east, since graduating from Newcastle University with a BSc in Environmental Science and a MSc in Environmental Consultancy. She joined Total Ecology in March 2019.
Jodi has gained a wide ranging and in-depth knowledge of bat behaviour and extensive practical experience in the use of various bat detectors, static detection equipment, infra-red camera surveillance/recording, radio tracking, harp trapping and bat handling, both from commercial survey work and as a volunteer with both Durham and Northumberland bat groups.
Since joining Total Ecology, Jodi has worked on a wide range of projects and is developing her experience of conducting preliminary ecological appraisals along with surveying for many protected species including birds, bats, reptiles, great crested newts, otter and water vole. Jodi holds level 1 Great Crested Newt and bat licences.